Oran-Go Overview

Ideas in fusion  invented the Oran-go push cart in 2015, a unique feature of this invention is the ability to produce bottled fresh orange juice without the use of electric power and also sell the bottled orange juice at the point of production.  

The Oran-go micro agribusiness transforms the existing traditional orange retailing business from an unhygienic, inefficient, low volume sales, and tedious hand peeling based business to a hygienic, high volume, efficient, less tedious and value added business. The existing traditional orange retailing business was simply about selling only hand peeled oranges under very unhygienic conditions, whereas the oran-go micro agribusiness delivers value to the consumers with the production of bottled fresh orange juice that is produced and sold on the spot. The sales volume from the oran-go micro agribusiness is at least 400% more than that of the traditional orange retailing business.

From available economic statistics the ready to drink (RTD) fruit juice beverage segment is still in the “warm up zone” in Nigeria, this means there is a great opportunity for growth in this business segment. The Oran-go micro agribusiness is a highly sustainable business that will exploit the opportunity offered by the existing multi billion naira ready to drink (RTD) beverage business segment in Nigeria. The high exchange rate for the importation of processed fresh orange juice and concentrates and the health awareness created towards drinking natural fresh juice creates a very viable business opportunity.

Nigeria is the 9th largest producer of orange fruits but none of our orange fruit species can be exported due to the fact that they are not export quality. This fact ensures that we have orange fruits in abundance all through the year, this is also evident by the huge losses recorded in terms of wastage (50%) of orange fruits along the orange fruit value chain.

The Oran-go micro agribusiness will:

  • Transform the retail end of the orange fruit value chain
  • Create wealth
  • Create thousands of sustainable jobs
  • Promote consumption of locally produced orange juice which will ultimately reduce demand for imported orange fruit juice
  • Increase demand along the orange fruit value chain in Nigeria and Africa and thereby reduce wastage (50%) across the value chain

The Oran-go micro agribusiness is developed around a  micro franchised micro agribusiness for Orange juice production  and retailing with a highly visible and attractive trademarked brand name of Oran-go, (Orange on the go)

It delivers an average  net profit margin of about 45% and an annual return on Investment greater than 350%

The Oran-go Micro –Agribusiness was developed based on our philosophy of  (W.E.A.L.T.H)   Oran-go Micro Agribusiness

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